Cards | Mandala Green 2020 (Sara's collection)
  • Cards | Mandala Green 2020 (Sara's collection)
  • Cards | Mandala Green 2020 (Sara's collection)
  • Cards | Mandala Green 2020 (Sara's collection)
  • Cards | Mandala Green 2020 (Sara's collection)

Cards | Mandala Green 2020 (Sara's collection)

50.00 kr - 480.00 kr
This beautiful mandala design is about green leaves and beautiful nature, I have a special feeling for this collection, it was done under pressure during the closing time of Corona virus in Denmark. 
Many mixing feelings between fear, confusion, and appreciation, fear of death, confusion about our ability to surviving as strong intelligent humans, after all this fast technology, reaching new planets, the magnificent success in science and technology, it turns out that we are so small! very weak and we should be humble and down to earth more and more. 
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Dette smukke mandala design handler om grønne blade og smukke natur, jeg har en speciel følelse af denne samling, det blev udført under pres i lukketiden af Corona virus i Danmark.
Mange blanding af følelser mellem frygt, forvirring og påskønnelse, frygt for død, forvirring omkring vores evne til at overleve som stærke intelligente mennesker, efter alt dette hurtige teknologi, at nå nye planeter, den storslåede succes inden for videnskab og teknologi, viser det sig, at vi er så småt! meget svag, og vi skulle være ydmyge og jordnære mere og mere.
Langt om længe! vi skulle bremse denne skøre rullebane, se sig omkring og værdsætte gaven til liv og helbred. vær taknemmelig for hvert eneste gratis åndedræt, vi inhalerer og udånder hver dag, utallige gaver uden at indse, at det er GRATIS.


Malet af: Sara Khaled



This beautiful mandala design is about green leaves and beautiful nature, I have a special feeling for this collection, it was done under pressure during the closing time of Corona virus in Denmark. 
Many mixing feelings between fear, confusion, and appreciation, fear of death, confusion about our ability to surviving as strong intelligent humans, after all this fast technology, reaching new planets, the magnificent success in science and technology, it turns out that we are so small! very weak and we should be humble and down to earth more and more. 
Finally! we should slow down this crazy roller coaster, look around and appreciate the gift of life and health. be thankful for every single free breath we inhale and exhale every day, countless gifts without realizing that it is for FREE. 


Painted by: Sara Khaled